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Aesop's Fables: Caxton (1484)

1.4. Of the dogge and of the sheep
(Perry 478)

Of the men chalengynge whiche euer be sekynge occasion to doo some harme and dommage to the good / saith Esope suche a fable / Somtyme was a dogge / whiche demaunded of a sheep a loof of brede that she had borowed of hym / And the sheep ansuerd that neuer she had none of hym / The dogge made her to come before the Iuge / And by cause the sheep denyed the dette / the dogge prouysed and broughte with hym fals wytnes / that is to wete the wulf / the mylan & the sparhawk / And whanne these wytnes shold be examyned and herd / the wulf sayd to the Iuge / I am certayne & me remembreth wel / that the dogge lend to her a loof of brede And the Myllan went and sayd / she receyued hit presente my persone / And the sperowhawk sayd to the sheep / Come hyder why denyest thow that whiche thow hast take and receyued / And thus was the poure sheep vanquysshed / And thenne the Iuge commaunded to her that she shold paye the dogge / wherfore she sold awey before the wynter her flees and wulle for to paye that / that she neuer had / And thus was the poure sheep despoylled / In suche maner done the euylle hongry peple whiche by theyr grete vntrouthe and malyce robben and despoyllen the poure folk

Caxton published his edition of Aesop's fables in 1484. There are modern reprints by Joseph Jacobs (D. Nutt: London, 1889) and more recently by Robert Lenaghan (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1967). Lenaghan's edition is available at amazon.com.