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Aesop's Fables: Caxton (1484)

4.19. Of the sheep and of the Crowe
(Perry 553)

Men ought not to iniurye ne disprayes the poure Innocentes ne the symple folke As reherceth this fable / Of a Crowe / whiche sette her self vpon the back of a sheep / And whan the sheep had born her a grete whyle she sayd to her / thow shalt kepe thy self wel to sette the vpon a dogge / And thenne the crowe sayd to the sheep / Thynke thow poure Innocent that I wote wel with whom I playe / For I am old and malycious / and my kynde is to lette all Innocents / and to be frende vnto the euyls /
And therfore this fable wylle telle and saye / how ther be folke of suche kynde / that they wyl doo no good werk / but only to lette euer the Innocents and symple folke

Caxton published his edition of Aesop's fables in 1484. There are modern reprints by Joseph Jacobs (D. Nutt: London, 1889) and more recently by Robert Lenaghan (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1967). Lenaghan's edition is available at amazon.com.