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Phryx Aesopus (Osius, 1574)


MOverat usa minis Aquilam sic callida Vulpes,
Ut daret est [(printer); sic: huic] pullos illa coacta metu.
Mox huc, arbor ubi est, velut incesura propinquat,
Cum face, quae flammas lucida spargit, adest.
Hinc avis acta metu deiecit ab arbore pullos,
Quos avido Vulpes mox facit ore cibos.
Viribus haud pollens aliquis, tamen hausit ut iram,
Quo premat ille minas saepe potentis habet.
Vile sit insectum quamvis formica nocendi
Non ope, sive culex robore, vique caret.

(No illustration.)

Phryx Aesopus Habitu Poetico, by Hieronymus Osius, 1574 (artist not identified). Available online at the University of Mannheim. This book clearly recycles a set of images from another book of Aesop's fables. In some cases, the illustration does not match the fable shown, and in some cases I have not been able to identify what fable a given illustration is supposed to illustrate.