Aesop's Fables: Phaedrus
Book IV - IV. Equus et Aper (Perry
Equus sedare solitus quo fuerat sitim,
dum sese aper uolutat turbauit uadum.
Hinc orta lis est. Sonipes, iratus fero,
auxilium petiit hominis; quem dorso leuans
rediit ad hostem laetus. Hunc telis eques
postquam interfecit, sic locutus traditur:
"Laetor tulisse auxilium me precibus tuis;
nam praedam cepi et didici quam sis utilis."
Atque ita coegit frenos inuitum pati.
Tum maestus ille: "Paruae uindictam rei
dum quaero demens, seruitutem repperi."
Haec iracundos admonebit fabula
inpune potius laedi quam dedi alteri.
The Horse and Boar (trans. C. Smart)
A Wild-Boar wallow'd in the flood,
And troubled all the stream with mud,
Just where a horse to drink repair'd-
He therefore having war declared,
Sought man's alliance for the fight,
And bore upon his back the knight;
Who being skill'd his darts to throw,
Despatched the Wild-Boar at a blow.
Then to the steed the victor said,
" I'm glad you came to me for aid,
For taught how useful you can be,
I've got at once a spoil and thee."
On which the fields he made him quit,
To feel the spur and champ the bit.
Then he his sorrow thus express'd:
"I needs must have my wrongs redress'd,
And making tyrant man the judge,
Must all my life become a drudge."
This tale the passionate may warn,
To bear with any kind of scorn;
And rather all complaint withdraw
Than either go to war or law.
Latin text from Phaedrus at The
Latin Library (Ad Fontes), English translations from The
Fables of Phaedrus Translated into English Verse by Christopher Smart
(London: 1913). Ben Perry, Babrius and Phaedrus (Loeb),
contains the Latin texts of Phaedrus, with a facing English translation, along
with a valuable appendix listing all the Aesop's fables attested in Greek and/or
in Latin. Invaluable.