Viewing a Text

When you view a text in Perseus, there is a side-bar which gives you access to some useful language tools: Grammar Overview, Dictionary, and a Morphology Tool. You can also generate a custom Vocabulary List for the text you are reading. There is some quick navigation that you can use to navigate through the document.

Across the top, you are given access to other versions of the text. This is how you switch back and forth between the Greek Bible, Latin Bible, and an English translation.

The Table of Contents gives you quick access to the book / chapter / section divisions of the complete work. The right arrow allows you to move through the sections in order.

But the single most important feature to notice is CONFIGURE DISPLAY. If you are going to really enjoy working with Perseus you are going to want to make sure that the display is configured to show you no more - and no less - than what you want to see.

Sample page of Greek Bible

BIBLICAL GREEK ONLINE. Contact: Last updated: April 28, 2005 8:40 PM