Phryx Aesopus (Osius, 1574)
21. CANIS SENEX. (Perry 532)
ACER, et ante alios venandi strennuus [Reg: strenuus] usu
Scilicet usus hero fertur amante Canis.
At cum deficerent hunc aegro corpore vires,
Membraque prae senio debiliora forent:
Hos poscebat heri tamen inclementia cursus,
Quos rapide poterat iunior ille sequi.
Cessantemque minis non tantum urgere solebat,
Addere sed verbis verbera saepe suis.
Cui Canis, orta tibi cur mox oblivia nostri
Sunt meriti, tractas cur ita saevus, ait?
Cum nunc desierim prodesse, prioribus annis
Quam merui, nobis gratia nulla redit.
Non meminere diu, sibi quae benefecerit alter,
Mortales, mens his tam sua prava subest.
*** The drawing does not fit the fable. ***
It looks like an illustration for Perry 480.
Phryx Aesopus Habitu Poetico, by Hieronymus Osius, 1574 (artist not identified). Available online at the University of Mannheim. This book clearly recycles a set of images from another book of Aesop's fables. In some cases, the illustration does not match the fable shown, and in some cases I have not been able to identify what fable a given illustration is supposed to illustrate. |